
These are the career stories of diverse individuals working in a variety of careers. Watch or read about what inspired them to pursue their career, what they were like growing up, what they love most about their career and more!

DeJon Ellis grip
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews DeJon and talks about his career as a grip in Hollywood. Read More
Karina Ramirez
Gladeo reporter Katelyn interviews Karina about her career as a product manager. Read More
Aileen the Vet Tech
Watch and listen to Aileen talking about what she learned in her vet tech program at Foothill College that prepared her for her career as a vet tech. 
Aileen Ngo Gladeo
Aileen Ngo, a graduate of Foothill College and a vet tech, shares why she really enjoyed her time at Foothill College.
Aileen Typical Day in Life
Watch and listen to Aileen describing one of her typical days.
Aileen Ngo Feed Advice
Watch and listen to Aileen give advice to aspiring vet techs.